The Nutrinat Story

Somewhere at the end of lockdown-I, when the world was bleating on damages done by Corona; two sisters were busy discussing how they can help the low-income families in their hometown.

Sareeta, a Horticulturist and Scientist at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sindhudurga, Maharashtra, works closely with farmers, local markets and their strategic functionalities.

Pravina, a lawyer turned baker as an enthusiastic Mom, living in the IT city, Bangalore was well aware of metropolitans' keenness over quality, branding, and nutrition.

Discussions after discussions kept happening to understand if anything could be done to make a difference! Visiting MIDC sites, talking to local SMEs, experimenting several taste blends, and testing them in the urban market went on for months, under the in-house guidance of Pravina's husband Dhananjay, who shared his learnings from his MBA program. And slowly and gradually Nutrinat came into shape.

Today it stands firm on two primary objectives. One, capsuling rural nutrition for urban life; and two, creating a market for the local superfoods thereby increasing economic standards of the producers.

Right in the forming months, Nutrinat registered itself for the launch-pad program of NSRCEL. Nutrinat's product basket, along with its vision, mission, backed by a well-devised sustenance plan got it placed amongst the top 3 out of the 20+ startups at IIM Bangalore's incubation centre.

Nutrinat believes in social entrepreneurship. It attempts to revive our coastal superfoods before they're lost in the race of time. Nutrinat wishes to flourish organically with every farmer family sweating in the soil. They must continue farming for our healthier tomorrow.

Therefore, WE dream to gift them a better future, with YOU.